Kinder, Primary and High School all together on one site.
New air-conditioned buildings for all classes
Close to Monash University
Multicultural Community

Westall Primary School is situated on a nine hectare site shared with Westall Secondary College and Westall Language Centre Annexe, and the Westall Community Hub.
The school is located in a residential and industrial area of Clayton South.
The school buildings include newly completed facilities – 2 x 8 classroom learning centres, gymnasium, arts and canteen facilities, and refurbished Administration.
Recently the school has entered into partnership with “Our Place” a philanthropic organisation that works in 10 schools to build a continuity of learning practice to the early years - from early childhood education into the school system.
The multicultural nature of Westall provides many positive outcomes for the school community. including fostering intercultural understanding and respect for diversity. Of our student population, 3% identify as Indigenous, approximately one third of the student population continues to be drawn from the Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese and South East Asian communities, and students from India, Saudi Arabia and Africa account for another third. Students from the Pacific Islands constitute approximately 8% students.
The current school enrolment is 250 which includes both local and fee paying international students. DET and Kingston Council predict increased enrolments over the coming years.
Westall Primary School provides a progressive and dynamic teaching and learning environment through a shared pedagogical approach and a commitment to the development of all students.
The strengths of our school lie within the strong stable leadership, community and the highly professional staff who regard the needs of students as the priority.