Updated: Sep 30, 2021
Thank you for considering Westall Primary School for your child's education. We are now accepting enrolments for 2022. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Updated: Sep 30, 2021
Books in Homes® is a charitable foundation that provides books-of-choice to children living in remote, disadvantaged, and low socio-economic circumstances, ensuring crucial early literacy engagement and the development of reading skills needed for lifelong achievement.
We were very lucky to be selected as one of the schools to participate in the program. Every child in our school received two brand new books and a special library bag to carry them in.
Thank you to Rotary Clubs Victoria and Books in Homes for funding and resourcing the program. Another thank you to Mrs Allaki and the Student Community Leaders; Ree, Wilson, Abhi and Camron for giving up their lunch times to organise the student packs.
"For several minutes about fifty Form 1 and Form 3 students, and their two teachers, watched as this silver/white, shiny, metallic-looking flying object, about the size of one or two cars, and shaped like an upside down bowl, flew low over their heads."
On the 6th of April, 65 years ago was the infamous UFO sighting at Westall.
Read about it on Kingston's Local History site: